
The gym for your mental health with 10+ powerful features, right in your pocket, everywhere. Now acquired
by Concentrix!

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What is KeepAppy?

KeepAppy is a mental health app to help people stay positive in tough times through a healthy and positive life outlook. It is a complete wellness toolkit with 10+ features approved by psychologists.

KeepAppy is powered by self-awareness features, including small exercises that identify triggering behaviour patterns. The app also promotes getting the right help, caring for oneself, and becoming mentally stronger.

Founders with a purpose

Aimée Louise Carton and Will Ben Simpson, co-founders and alumni of Trinity College Dublin, are determined individuals with a mission to make mental health wellness widely accessible with a solution, power-packed with features that can help one keep stress at bay on a day-to-day basis.

Aimée, having gone through mental health problems herself, discerned that the road to recovery could become tough if proper guidance and care are not received. Along with Will, her co-founder, they initiated a change with an app, rightly acknowledged as a mental health gym, empowering folks to take control of their mental health.


KeepAppy’s journey with us

KeepAppy was initially developed by another mobile app development company in Ireland. And was in the early stage of development. Here’s a video of what their old app looked like:

The co-founders, Aimée and Will, approached us to give their existing app an AR touch with a
gamification feature; they met over a cup of coffee and discussed the potential aspects. But what
followed next, they say, is history!

keepappy journey

Our designers saw their old app and right away suggested that they need a new app, a revamped
version with the next-gen look and feel. We proposed to them a newly designed version of
the app, which was prototyped in 4 hours.

Yes, just 4 hours!

The development phase

The founders had scheduled KeepAppy’s launch in 3 months. And we only had a few days to build the app from scratch. Our task was to design the whole interface of the app, all the features, and 2 interfaces in that short span of time.

We quickly adopted the Agile development approach and commenced with designing the first 2 modules, passing them on to the developer’s team and getting the client’s feedback at the earliest. And this is how the entire development cycle was carried out.

Pause and check how the final version looked like

Wonderfully developed features that have
enhanced the well-being app

Mood tracker

Mood tracker

With KeepAppy, we have offered excellent features that track our mood through factors like sleep, productivity, food, water intake, etc.

Goal setting

Goal setting

Whether it is your short-term or long-term goal, KeepApp offers a feature that helps you set goals in the most structured and organised way.



Users can pen down any thoughts, good and bad, occupying their minds. It assists users in becoming self-aware and paves the way for better health.

Gratitude diary

Gratitude diary

With the gratitude diary feature, users can count their blessings, name them one by one, and reconstruct their thought processes.



The small 2-minute dots activity in KeepAppy makes you more mindful of your words, actions and behaviour. Break free from the emotional barriers!

Medicine tracker

Medicine tracker

With a pill reminder feature in place, KeepAppy helps users take their medicines/supplements at the right time in the right dosage.

Period tracker

Period tracker

The KeepAppy period tracker is for all women looking to have a better understanding of their menstrual cycles and how they affect their overall being.

Personalised content

Personalised content

Based on your mood, sleeping pattern, food intake, vitals, etc., KeepAppy offers you personalised content to meet your specific requirements.

Introducing the Keepie!

Better your well-being with your very own Keepie! Woof woof!

Using 3D modelling, AR, and various animation tools, we developed the Keepie feature. You have a Keepie, your digital pet, you can feed it, play with it, and get it to sleep. Take care of it regularly, and you will see yourself taking care of yourself similarly.

Introducing Keepie

The concept behind Keepie, the digital pet, was inspired by Aimée’s mental health battle. What stopped her from taking one negative decision was the mention of her dog Aura, and how she has someone who looks upon her.

Increasing app engagement among users

During our primary research, we observed that the existing health apps have no factors that could actually push users to use the app daily. That’s why, we brought in some interactive, motivating functionalities that would prompt the user to use the app daily for better mental health and overall progress.

Badges to keep things exciting

Badges to keep things exciting

Every milestone reached by users is rewarded with a badge, helping them stay motivated. Users who add their vitals for 10 days straight get badges, inspiring them to continue their journey towards better well-being.

Achieving a KeepAppy streak

Achieving a KeepAppy streak

KeepAppy Streak is a feature that helps users know how many days they have been using the app and add their daily vitals. Also, the feature is meant to encourage the users to maintain their streak.

Technology stack we utilised

Our efforts are powered by the best design and development tools.

android icon


kotlin icon


.NET icon


firebase icon


react-native icon

React Native

MSSQL icon


Here is a glimpse into what KeepAppy
has achieved so far.

  • Amazon’s CTO recognised KeepAppy as the ‘Top Startup’ at the International Web Summit.
  • Founders of KeepAppy, were chosen as Ireland’s Rising Stars in the 30 under 30 category in 2019.
  • KeepAppy is widely used in 130+ countries by thousands of users.
  • The startup was selected for mentorship by ‘Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • Applauded on Twitter by many mental health enthusiasts for its UI/UX.
  • The app has raised funding of €30,000 based on the mental health wellbeing concept.
  • KeepAppy was selected by Google under its
    ‘Adopt a Startup’ program.
  • Later on, KeepAppy was acquired by Concentrix to be used as employee health software.

Here is what Aimée has to say about us.

My experiences with them has been wonderful in every way. The team are true professionals in the way they approach every project. They are particularly talented at app development, UX design and understanding the users needs.

Aimée-Louise Carton

Co-Founder, KeepAppy